Instagram’s New Features: Birthdays, Audio & Selfie Video Notes, Multiple Lists in Stories

Instagram has spiced things up with four new features for all its users.


First up, we’ve got “birthdays.” Now, if you’ve got a special day coming up, you can subtly remind your friends about it by posting birthday pictures. It’s a fun twist to celebrating birthdays!

Audio Notes & Selfie Video Notes

Next, we have “audio notes” and “selfie video notes.” You can now send these as direct messages. About time, right? These features should’ve been there a while ago, but better late than never!

Lastly, multiple lists in stories. No more oversharing with everyone. You can now create separate lists for different groups, like university pals, school friends, or office buddies. Share your stories with just the right crowd. It’s about time Instagram gives us these options!

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